Spinning has taken me by storm.......I dug out my spinnning wheel, a castle form Haldane wheel, for the cupboard it has been hiding sin since we moved to France.
I had been particularly inspired by Tara of www.blondechickenboutique.com on Etsy and her web site/blog, and used her videos on You Tube to help me to self learn again to spin. 10 years ago spinning was very ordinary and I managed to learn to spin and ply some uite reasonable yarns in wool and llama. Now I only want to spin wild, chuky, art yarns but I only seem to be able to spin thin!!!!
I also spin left handed when I do everything else right handed????? Maybe that's because I was looking at people on the net as a sort of mirror image????
I have ordered some different types of yarns and a carding machine is high on my Christmas present want list. I have knitted up all the little scraps I have spun lately and have stuck them in a folder, even my 'failures', or what I consider failures but what now seems to be fashionable and desirable.
Pictures to follow
Many years ago we had friends who were deeply into self sufficiency. P used to spin the wool from their sheep. I asked if I could have a go, P's OH nearly fell off the seat laughing at my efforts, thick,thin,chunky and bobbly all on the same bit of thread!!!
RépondreSupprimerI did master it eventually spun enough to make a baby cardigan. Doubt if I could do it now though.
Have another go, now all the 'mistakes' are called 'Art Yarn'!