This is a cat bed.....? Frida the hunting dog adopted the bed as soon as she came to live with us. The following month Spitty the cat and her three tiny kittens moved in. The cat above is Marmy, one of those kittens, he has always been bold and the first of these wild kittens to venture into the house. He has always made a fuss of Frida and often lays along the dog's back on the sofa. Frida was in the cat bed asleep and Marmy just pushed his way into a tiny corner, there are never any complaints from Frida, she never growls, and lets the cats sit all over her.
Today has been wonderfully sunny and a heady 11 degrees, so we have been out cleaning chicken coops and making some urgent repairs. Termites or ants have softened one of the big oak posts that hold up the roof to the llama and goat shelter, and the goats have eaten all the wood, so there is just the outline of the post now!! Fortunately we made the shelter on 'earthship' principles, using old car tyres filled with drink cans and sand, covered with soil. This goes up to roof level and protects the whole structure from wind. Some of the soil has erroded away now and of course the llama and goats have trodden paths all over it now, and perch on various levels in the evening sun. We had to clean out the remains of the old oak beam and tidy up a little to prepare for a new post.
Dennis Hopper the actor has a fantastic home in California built in 'earthship' style, check it out on the internet.
The next job was to trim the hoof of one of the goats, he limps because of arthritis and the hoof or nail on this leg always grows faster than the others as he does not put enough pressure on the leg to wear the nail down quick enough.
I have been wanting to spin some yarn for a few days now and yesterday evening I prepared a batch of turquoise, magenta and pink merino with some pink banana fibres and some silk, by combing the colours together on my hand carders. I was able to do this quite quickly as all the fibres we already bought as prepared rovings. I divided the colours and brushed them together to make about 14 rolags ready to spin.