dimanche 25 septembre 2011

My Empress Tree is flowering!!!!!

No photo yet as I have a new camera and have not yet managed to learn how to upload photos, but was pretty excited when I saw the buds. Let's just hope they manage to survive the cold nights, and that we do not get a frost yet. Temp was 7 degrees C a few nights ago, but it has been up to 29 degrees C in the day, an Indian SUmmer for us.

See entry and video about Empress Trees below or in the archives.

Will add to this post later.

2 commentaires:

  1. Update on this - we had a more substantial frost and all the leaves fell off at once, leaving the bare branches with the flower buds on top, I think it very unlikely now that the tree will flower.

  2. Update 12.11.11 birds are attacking the buds. I picked on up from the ground and it was tight green layers inside so maybe they are the flowers for next spring??
